


Six of Sweden’s leading science parks in ICT: Blue Science Park, Ideon Science Park, Kista Science City, Luleå Science Park, Lindholmen Science Park and Linköping Science Park together constitute innovation environments with more than 2400 companies with 59 000 employees. Most of the companies are in the ICT industry or serve as support functions for the ICT industry.

Lund • Karlskrona • Linköping • Kista • Luleå • Göteborg

This is Sweden ICT

Lund • Karlskrona • Linköping • Kista • Luleå • Göteborg

Six of Sweden’s leading science parks in ICT: Blue Science Park, Ideon Science Park, Kista Science City, Luleå Science Park, Lindholmen Science Park and Linköping Science Park together constitute innovation environments with more than 2400 companies with 59 000 employees. Most of the companies are in the ICT industry or serve as support functions for the ICT industry.

Attract talent

The companies have a need to attract foreign talent in order to increase talent in Sweden. To improve the conditions for companies in the ICT industry linked to innovation environments, the six science parks above have merged with a joint proposal on national collaboration, innovation scouting and talent attraction. Sweden ICT is the collaboration that will strengthen Sweden’s position as an ICT nation.

Sweden Secure Tech Hub is co-founded by the European Union. 

Sweden Secure Tech Hub

A national cybersecurity innovation hub. 

Sweden Secure Tech Hub helps small and medium-sized tech companies to create safer digital products and solutions – starting already in the design and development phase.
We offer a variety of resourses and services, from inspiration and skills development to consulting support, testing opportunities and help finding funing for concrete development initiatives. 

A prerequisite for competitiveness

A prerequisite for Sweden to remain competitive is that we succeed in recruiting at the desired rate. Competition for talent is global and a person who chooses an employer also chooses a country and a place to settle. In this competition, not only the employers’ brand is important, but also Sweden’s as well as the ICT industry branding. For the industry, it is important that we continuously develop and succeed in positioning ourselves internationally to attract talent and customers as well as investments. To succeed, we need to increase our world-wide knowledge, apply it and have good offers for our companies.
